government welfare
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Are You Getting the Benefits That You Are Entitled to?

Did you know that there are billions of pounds in benefits that go unclaimed in Britain each year? These are everything from pension credits to job seeker’s allowance, according to figures from the government.

A charity has recently called on the government to make sure that they make people aware of what money that they are owed. Sick people that are unable to work and those with a disability are some of the most unclaimed benefits in the country, with unclaimed pensions also being an issue.

What is available?

There are tax credits and different benefits that can be claimed if you are sick or disabled.

  • If you are aged 16-24 and you have a long-term health condition or a disability that effects you living independently then you will be able to claim Personal Independence Payment, named Disability Living Allowance in Northern Ireland.
  • Under 16-year-olds with have a health condition or a disability and who need more care or supervision than other children of the same age, can claim Disability Living Allowance.
  • If you are 65 and over and have care needs you should be able to claim Attendance Allowance.
  • If you are unable to work completely then you may be able to claim Statutory Sick Pay or Employment and Support Allowance.
  • If you work you may be entitled to Working Tax Credit
  • If you have been injured at work or have a disease that has been caused at work, you may be able to get benefits
  • If you are a carer for someone who has a disability, you may be able to claim Carer’s Allowance

Anyone who is disabled has to have information available in a way that they can access it. An example of this is information being available in large print or Braille.

Some people can claim national insurance credits through national insurance contributions and benefits.

There is a helpline specifically set up by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) that can help with the filling out of forms over the phone:

You can contact the Helpline on:

Tel: 08457 123 456

Textphone: 08457 224 433

You can also use the RNID Typetalk service.

The Helpline is open 8.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday.

What do you need to claim?

To claim you must provide accurate information on the following:

– Savings

-Council Tax

-Outgoings (rent, mortgage, childcare)

– Existing benefits and pensions (including those who live with you)

Managing debt when living with a disability

Living and managing debt when you have a disability can be a stressful thing to do. Finding a job can often be harder for those who have a disability, therefore, making money to pay off debts is made more difficult. Actually paying the money back can often be difficult for those who may be hard of hearing or find it difficult to understand the bills that they are being sent in the post.

You can get help with this by contacting the governments Work and Pensions Department.

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