Tips & Tricks

3 Ways To Make Your Outdoor Space More Beautiful For Less Money

With good weather hiding right around the corner for many areas, it’s now time to start thinking about how to prepare your lawn or garden for those long summer days and perfect summer nights. However, if you’re trying to save money or cut down on your spending, you might be concerned with how you’ll be able to reach your landscaping and financial goals simultaneously. So to help you with these objectives, here are three ways you can make your outdoor space more beautiful for less money.

Hide The Eyesores

Before you can transform your yard into a visually appealing outdoor space, it’s crucial to address and eliminate any existing eyesores. Renovating the yard often involves identifying and dealing with detractors such as uneven land, an unsightly stump, or piles of rubble that can mar the beauty of your property. Determine the best approach to either removing or concealing these imperfections. This is the first step toward enhancing your yard’s overall aesthetic.

In some cases, the solution may involve levelling the uneven ground, grinding down an ugly stump, or clearing away rubble and other debris. To efficiently remove and dispose of these unwanted elements, partnering with a reputable dumpster rental company like Waste Removal USA can be invaluable. Such companies provide a responsible waste removal solution, allowing you to dispose of large amounts of yard waste and debris quickly and effectively. That way, you ensure that the waste is handled in an environmentally responsible manner without the distraction of unsightly clutter.

For many people, hiding eyesores may include hiding their a/c or other heating or cooling unit. To do this, Maria Carter, a contributor to Country Living, recommends building a cover out of reclaimed wood, which you may be able to find for free around your area, so that you don’t have to see the big mechanical box each time you want to enjoy the outdoors with your friends or family.

Plant Perennials

A surefire way to spice up your yard is to bring in some more plants and other forms of vegetation. But if you’re wanting to save money, one of the best things you can do is to plant perennials.

Perennials are plants or flowers that come back year after year without needing to be replanted, saving you money on getting new plants as the years go by. Some of the best varieties you should be on the lookout for, according to Marina Resto of, allium, buddleia, coneflower, kangaroo paw, and sage. If you’re not sure which ones will work best for your climate, visit a local nursery to speak with a professional about the best choices for your area.

Don’t Forget About Your Lawn

Arguably the most important area of your yard is the lawn. If your lawn isn’t looking good, almost no amount of other work is going to be able to compensate for that. Knowing this, it’s worth it to put in the work to make your lawn look great. According to Tim Lemke, a contributor to, this should include thatching and seeding in the fall and fertilizing and watering in the spring. By doing this, you should be able to have a great looking lawn all summer long.

If you’re wanting to update or upgrade your yard without spending too much money, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you do just that.

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